On January 5, 2010, Dr. Richard I. Fine filed a verified complaint against the State Bar of California, et al, concerning their frauds upon the court in obtaining his disbarment after falsely convicting him of "moral turpitude" for revealing the bribes being paid to judges by county supervisors, and to prevent his clients from continuing to litigate against a developer who'd bought illegal votes from LA County Supervisors and shortchanged taxpayers by several hundred million dollars. (Business as usual in LA County, as it turned out.) Said developer had also compromised two State Bar presidents by retaining them at the time of Fine's disbarment proceedings.
The California Supreme Court, named as a necessary party since it was the entity upon which the State Bar perpetuated its fraud, filed a Motion to Dismiss Fine's complaint which, most disturbingly, contained the following astounding fabrication:
"The Sturgeon decision specifically found that the payment of local judicial benefits was ... [not] a basis to seek recusal of a judicial officer receiving such benefits." (See "Memorandum of Points and Authorities", page 2, footnote 2.)The Sturgeon decision said no such thing! Recusal (disqualification) was not even raised in the Sturgeon case (which was brought and won by Judicial Watch following Dr. Fine's exposure of the payments being illegally made to judges).
This was a cheesy, COLOSSALLY STUPID attempt to posture "We win, Fine loses." How dark and twisted must be the mind of a judge who is so arrogant he/she feels free to tell blatant, easily disproven, lies. Here are seven who did just that:
The man seated in the middle, above, Chief Justice George, was formerly the chief judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court around the time the payment scheme was first concocted, a scheme which was instituted by and between the LA chief judge and LA supervisors. And as a judge of the LA Superior Court himself, George would have received the illegal payments along with everyone else.
The Supreme Court's motion is a fantastic insult to the intelligence and character of Carla M. Woehrle, the Federal District Court Magistrate Judge to whom the Fine v. State Bar II matter has been assigned. How appalled she surely must be at their arrogance! It had seemed fairly certain until now that the judges had successfully circled their wagons and were covering for each other equally ...
... but this slap in the face will hopefully make clear to Judge Woehrle that she's being played (again) and cause her to draw the line at being used as yet another guinea pig puppeteered by the payment scheme masters, and the filing of a Rule 11 "Motion for Sanctions" by Dr. Fine is surely not far behind.
It was galling that George and his cronies tried to pardon themselves for committing Ten Million Felonies after George obtained passage of Senate Bill SBx2-11 in his role as Chief of the Judicial Council, which co-authored SBx2-11. (Adding insult to injury, taxpayers were shafted yet again as George used taxpayer funds to pay lobbyists to stroke legislators to pass the bill which pardoned him.)
The blatant lie about the contents of the Sturgeon decision (issued October 2008) was also absolutely ridiculous in that Dr. Fine demanded Judge Yaffe's recusal a year before the Sturgeon decision was even considered. Thus, even if the claim were true, it's irrelevant to what happened at the time. The Supreme Court justices knew all this when they filed their brief, but they opted to lie and again violate their oaths as they lamely continue to try to save their own skins.
It's widely acknowledged that judges are nothing more than failed lawyers, and this ridiculous lie put forth by the highest court in the state provides all the evidence we need to see that that is true. Yet we elect them to interpret the law ... and the power goes to their heads, resulting in these employees of ours fooling themselves into thinking they're superior to us. Huge egos constrained by small minds is a recipe for certain disaster ... and Los Angeles taxpayers are bearing the brunt of this one.
As an aside, members of Richard Fine's support team would like to acknowledge the "thanks" that well-wishers have sent them, grateful that the team had the bravery to have taken this dangerous bull by the horns. But that same team reminds us that, though they are doing everything they can, "Some Gave All" and it's now our responsibility to keep the torch of liberty aflame. Ronald Reagan was profound in saying that "all great change in America begins at the dinner table." The change needed most desperately now is the removal of every single person currently holding public office. The responsibility for doing so is now also on YOU to do your part.
Thousands of supporters have asked, "What can I do? I want to help, but I don't have any idea what to do!" The best answer is to, first, spread the word about California's rampant corruption. Then, follow singer Ray Stevens' advice and "THROW THE BUMS OUT!" Vote against all incumbents for the next six years, whether they be judges, county supervisors, appellate and supreme court justices, even seemingly "honest" politicians ... there evidently is no such thing anymore, and it's time to acknowledge that before it's too late. "We the People" are the bosses here ... we always have been ... but we've done a poor job lately, mostly because we foolishly believed that honest people outnumbered the dishonest. But we were wrong, and we haven't done nearly enough about it yet.
So come November, search your ballot for Ronald George's name and check "NO" to the question of his reconfirmation to another twelve years on the bench, ditto for all the other supreme court justices, five of seven of whom were previous recipients of illegal county payments when they were superior court judges themselves.
In the meantime, one question must immediately be confronted: Seven judges LIED. Is Magistrate Judge Woehrle possessed with the courage to do something about it? Or is "integrity" in our judicial system now also a thing of the past. Judge Woehrle has the power to break the chain of corruption. Will she instead just become another link?
We'll close here with a link to a previous post, "Ronald George - What He DIDN'T SAY" (deliberately screwing the court staff was perhaps the most despiccable), and a reminder of what former US Attorney General Robert Kennedy thought about crooks attempting to score retroactive immunity for themselves.
Judge Woehrle's ruling is expected soon. Stay tuned!